Apostille Pet Travel Documents
Taking your pet with you on a visit to another country (even a short visit) entails quite a bit of planning and organization. There is paperwork to be signed, and in most cases, you must notify the destination country to schedule a health check for your pet upon arrival.
Rules are specific for each country, so it is best to contact the Embassy or Consulate to confirm the regulations and obtain the necessary paperwork well in advance of your travels. Don’t forget, you will also need to verify the rules of the airlines you will be using.
These regulations vary depending on the type of animal you will be bringing into the new country; a bird requires different paperwork than a cat or dog. And… not all animals qualify as a pet.
Here are just a couple requirement examples of a few countries:
- Bahamas – the pet must be at least six months old, an import permit is required from the Ministry of Agriculture, and more…
- Australia – requires that dogs cannot be more than 30 days pregnant nor be nursing, your dog must be identifiable by microchip, must be able to prove your dog tested negative for rabies, and more…
- Austria – must be able to confirm vaccinations, have a health certificate, the owner declaration must be filled out in both English and German and written in BLOCK LETTERS, and more…
But one requirement that is consistent through most countries is that your pet will need an International Health Certificate from a licensed veterinarian or one that is USDA accredited through the National Veterinary Accreditation Program.
Once you have the proper documents to take Fido or Fifi with you to another country, you will often be required to apostille these papers.
Apostille Pet Travel Documents
An apostille authenticates the document to which it is attached. Countries that are members of the Hague Convention of 1961 have all agreed to accept the apostille process. If your destination country is not a member of the Hague Convention of 1961, your documents will need to be legalized through the Embassy or Consulate after receiving an apostille.
To obtain an apostille:
- All pet documents will be sent to the Secretary of State of your residence that can confirm the signatures and credentials of the veterinarian and receive the apostille
- Once those are certified, if your destination country is not a member of the Hague Convention of 1961, all papers will be sent to the U.S. Department of State in Washington, D.C. The documents and the apostille are then sent to the Embassy or Consulate for legalization
Or you can simply let us obtain the apostilles for you.
Let One Source Process Apostille Your Pet Travel Documents
At One Source Process, we specialize in obtaining apostilles for all documents, including apostille pet travel documents. We have worked with every state and just about every country.
Please note: We can apostille the documents you send us, but we may not be able to confirm you have the proper documentation for each country. Please be sure you have all the required certificates needed for your destination country.
Our apostille process is simple; fill out our Order Form here and send us all documents. That’s it! We will contact the correct state and federal offices to apostille all papers and return them to you in an efficient manner.
Contact Us today to answer any questions you have. We are here 7 days a week to help you and look forward to working with you. Happy travels with your pet!