False Apostille Information
If you have never needed an apostille before, you may have a lot of questions. Unfortunately, there is some false apostille information out there. We want you to understand what you need and don’t need when applying for an apostille.
Wrong Apostille Information
We are happy to answer any questions you may have. Here are some common misconceptions that people thought were true but are actually false.
- You must notarize vital documents before the apostille.
When applying for an apostille for a vital document, you must either have the original certificate or a certified copy.
Vital documents are items such as your birth certificate, death certificate, and marriage or divorce license. You obtain these from the county of their origin (where you were born for a birth certificate), or you can visit the website of VitalCheck.
- You can apostille foreign documents.
A document can only receive an apostille from its country of origin. Therefore, we are only able to apostille US documents.
- All apostilles must be submitted to the destination country in English.
Many countries require the apostille and all attached documents to be translated into their official language. So, after you receive the apostille, you may need to take one more step and have all documents translated.
- An apostille never expires, so you can hold onto it until you need it.
It is technically true that an apostille does not expire. But each country often requires the apostille to be current. It may not expire, but the destination country probably won’t accept an apostille they consider no longer current.
- You can obtain an apostille from the US Embassy.
Depending on your document, you receive an apostille from the state or federal government. A state document such as a birth certificate or driver’s license gets the apostille from the state. A federal document such as an FBI background check is apostilled at the US Department of State in Washington, DC.
If your destination country does not accept an apostille and needs the document to be legalized, then that is obtained from the other country’s embassy.
Working With One Source Process
We know this may be new to you, so let us obtain the apostille for you. We have worked with just about every country and can quickly and easily get the apostille.
When working with us, you will be assigned one agent to make sure your documents are correct before being sent for the apostille.
Fill out the Order Form here. Once you upload your papers, we will review them for FREE and let you know of any errors. We will then give you a price quote with an estimated completion date. Once we receive your approval, we will get to work.
If your destination country requires you to have the apostille and all attached documents translated… we can do that too! We also offer certified translation.
Once again, we are here to help you.
In fact, we have someone available 7 days a week to answer any questions. Simply Contact Us here, and we will get back to you as soon as possible.
We look forward to working with you.