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Washington, DC Process Servers

Our DC process servers make certain your documents are delivered as required, providing trustworthy support for all your legal needs.
  • 1st attempt within 5 days
  • Up to 3 attempts
  • made in 7-10 business days

  • 1st attempt within 72 hours
  • Up to 3 attempts
  • made in 3-5 business days

Same Day
  • 1st attempt same day
  • Up to 3 attempts
  • made in 3 days

*Additional mileage may be incurred for rural or outside of city limits locations.

$50 - Per additional document served at the same address. $125 - Per hour of stake-out & investigative services. $20 - Pro se litigants incur an additional per address.

  *Significant discounts for volume accounts. Please contact us at to inquire.

What Does a Washington, DC Process Server Do?

A process server in Washington, DC, handles the delivery of critical documents, like subpoenas, court mandates, and summonses, ensuring they reach the individuals involved in legal cases. Beyond simply serving papers, their work involves navigating through complex situations that require patience and strategic planning. This may include tasks like skip tracing to locate hard-to-find individuals and employ drop service when recipients refuse to accept notices. The professionals understand the nuances of each assignment and take the necessary steps to complete it correctly.

Reliable District of Columbia Process Service

At One Source Process, we offer professional, confidential, and legally compliant process service across Washington, DC, backed by a team of certified process servers. Our commitment to quality and accuracy means each document — be it a court order, subpoena, or legal notice — is managed with the utmost care. The DC agents for service of process are extensively trained to navigate the complexities of state law, ensuring your important records are delivered correctly and recognized by the courts.
We understand that prompt service is essential in legal matters, which is why we provide rush and standard options for timely deliveries. As a Washington DC process server, our services extend to a range of environments, including residential buildings, secured government offices, airports, medical facilities, and even military sites. Our team is fully equipped to address the unique challenges of each location and deliver the documents to the right hands, following strict legal procedures.

Easily Order Service

With us, ordering service of process in Washington DC is straightforward and accessible. Whether you need service urgently or at a scheduled time, we provide multiple options for reaching us, including phone, email, and live chat. Our team is here to assist you Monday through Friday, from initial inquiries to tracking the service status. Once your order is placed, we’ll confirm your request the Same Day, and for rush orders, we’ll respond immediately to guarantee prompt handling.

Our process servers manage each step with transparency and efficiency. They undergo rigorous background checks and specialized training to deal with various delivery types, including challenging cases like locating evasive individuals. Using methods such as skip tracing and stakeouts, our team can track down hard-to-find individuals and, if necessary, perform drop service when documents are refused. Rest assured, your papers will reach the intended party effectively and in full compliance with legal standards.

Why Hire a DC Process Server?

Hiring a DC process server provides peace of mind that your legal documents are being addressed with expertise and professionalism. Our certified servers bring a thorough knowledge of local laws and a commitment to secure, reliable service, delivering each notice accurately and in full compliance with the required standards.

For more complex cases, we offer specialized options, including stake-outs, to ensure the timely delivery of documents. Our process servers also provide date- and time-stamped confirmation, often with GPS verification, to record every step of the service. This level of detail helps avoid potential delays or the need to restart the process, keeping your case on track and meeting court requirements.

Apply online
Once we have received your application, we will respond with an email confirmation the same day. If you submit a Rush order, we will respond to you immediately.
Have your documents served
One of our highly trained professional servers will attempt to serve your document(s) as instructed by your Job Order.
Receive your affidavit
Once Your document(s) have been served. We will send you an Affidavit of Service!

Types of Requests We Service

General Civil Litigation
  • Summons & Complaints
  • Restraining orders
  • Local & Federal government
  • City municipalities
  • Government agencies
  • Police departments
  • Jails & detention facilities
Real Estate
  • Foreclosure documents
  • Eviction Notices / 30 Day Notice to
    Correct or Vacate
  • Landlord & Tenant documents
  • Bank levies
  • Wage garnishments
Family Law
  • Divorce papers
  • Paternity determination
  • Child support
  • Custody
  • Visitation papers

Is the person/entity avoiding service?
You may require our stake-out and investigative services

Frequently Asked Questions about Process Server in DC

How can One Source Process help me?
How do I know if you are serving a specific area in DC?
Do I need a process server?
How do I make a request?
How do I get server names for my Motion and Order?

Ask us anything!

Our CEO Brandon Yoshimura and Director of Operations Danny Koo.

Ask us anything!

    CEO Brandon Yoshimura (left) and Director of Operations Danny Koo (right) outside of our office in Washington, DC.